Intelligent Portfolios, a feature that utilizes advanced algorithms to optimize investment strategies, consists of a collection of different portfolios, each with its own tailored roster of cryptocurrencies.
Simply, instead of choosing one singular cryptocurrency to purchase, Intelligent Portfolios allow our users to select a portfolio of multiple coins and tokens, in order to diversify their investment across a curated mix of digital assets.
This ensures a greater chance of investment return, as you are more likely to gain profit when investing in several cryptocurrencies showing growth potential, rather than putting all of your money on one single cryptocurrency at a time.
The minimum limit for investing in an Intelligent Portfolio is 100 EUR.
An Intelligent Portfolio’s key benefits include:
Diversification: Intelligent Portfolios aim to spread your investments across different cryptocurrencies, reducing the risk associated with holding a single asset.
Risk Assessment: Kriptomat's algorithms assess your risk tolerance and investment goals to create a portfolio that aligns with your preferences.
Rebalancing: The portfolios are continuously monitored and automatically rebalanced to maintain your chosen asset allocation.
Auto-invest: You can set up an automated investment, meaning that weekly/bi-weekly/monthly (as per your selection) an automated transaction will take place to add funds to a portfolio you own. This can be achieved via a debit/credit card purchase.
The minimum limit for automated investments is as low as 50 EUR.Risk Score Status: Each portfolio displays an informative risk score - Conservative, Balanced, or Aggressive – to help you gauge potential risk levels before investing.
Performance Tracking: You can track your profit and loss trends for each portfolio with one simple view. An overall performance score is displayed, allowing you to have a real-time snapshot of the current state of your investment.
And the greatest part? Intelligent Portfolios are completely automated, meaning that you, as a user, do not have to do anything at all! Our system recalculates, rebalances and updates your portfolio on a regular basis.
All you need to do is deposit funds into your portfolio of choice and withdraw your funds back to your primary wallet at your convenience.
There are four different kinds of fees related to maintaining your Intelligent Portfolio:
Management fee: This fee is an annual, percentage-based fee. The fee is calculated daily and deducted in small portions from the portfolio's assets.
Management fee - 1%
Performance fee: This fee is charged on a monthly basis, but only if the portfolio generates a profit.
It is calculated as a percentage of the profits earned by the portfolio, for the specified time period (monthly basis).
Performance fee - 10%
Rebalancing fee: This is a fee that covers the costs of executing the trades and implementing changes in the asset's allocation. It is charged monthly at rebalancing.
Rebalancing fee - 0.25%
Exit fee: This fee is charged during the withdrawal of assets from the portfolio. The exit fee is calculated as a percentage of the total portfolio value at the time of withdrawal.
Exit fee - 1%
Ready to begin your investment journey with Intelligent Portfolios? See our article here on how to deposit funds to Intelligent Portfolios.
If you still have additional questions or your issue has not been resolved, feel free to contact us on [email protected] or begin a Live Chat with one of our agents - available in 18+ languages!